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FEBRUARY 7-8, 2025
9-10 SH'VAT, 5785
Please note: Davening on Friday night and Shabbos Mincha/Maariv will be held in
the Gratz Beit Midrash. Shabbos morning will be held at Kohelet.
5:09 PM | Candle Lighting
5:10 PM | Mincha/Kabbalas Shabbos/Maariv
8:30 PM | Oneg with Rabbi David Stav
"The New Jewish-Israeli Identity Post October 7th"
8:45 AM | Shacharis
9:00 AM | Groups for 3Y to 5th Grade
Pre-Musaf | Drasha with Rabbi David Stav
"Where was G-d on October 7th?"
Following Davening | Kiddush
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Jan and Mark Frisch to commemorate the first yahrzeit of Mark's mother Nina Frisch, Malka bas Sara a”h on 2 Sh’vat and to express gratitude to the Merion Shtiebel community for the wonderful support and courtesies extended during Mark’s past year of aveilus.
Stacey and Amir Goldman in honor of Rav David Stav visiting The Merion Shtiebel
Shaina and Justin Miller in honor of their daughter Maya’s second birthday!
The Troodler Family and by her favorite son-in-law (guess who) in honor of Savta Barbara Klapper’s birthday.
5:05 PM | Mincha
Following Mincha | Topics in Halacha Shiur with Rabbi David Stav
"Religious Coercion in Jewish Law and Lore”
6:05 PM | Maariv
6:11 PM | No Melacha Before
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